It is recommended to download and play the PC version (down below).

This game was made by Omri Mizrahi, for the GMTK game jam 2022, my first game jam. The theme was "Roll of the Dice" - This game is a 2D survival shooter, while the dice determines the current debuff/powerup.

How To Play:

Move with WASD or arrow keys. Aim with the mouse, click (and hold) to shoot.

Your goal is to SURVIVE.

You are the dice. Every 10 seconds the dice rolls, and gives you a random effect by the number on the dice. Odd numbers create a negetive debuff, while even numbers create a powerup:

1 - slow movement speed

2 - fast movement speed

3 - low shooting rate

4 - high shooting rate

5 - low damage

6 - high damage

For your comfort, a text will appear ingame hinting each effect as it's active.
RED text ponting debuffs, BLUE text pointing powerups.

Good luck! You'll need it...

Funky Mode - Effects stack up!



Download 28 MB

Install instructions

Download files, unzip, open the .exe file.

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